Cyber Resilience

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National definitions

Costa Rica

Ciber-resiliencia / Resiliencia cibernética (Cyber resilience): La habilidad de prepararse para, adaptarse, soportar, y rápidamente recuperarse de interrupciones resultantes de ataques deliberados, amenazas o incidentes accidentales o ocurridos naturalmente. [1]


Resilience In the field of computing, the ability of an information system to withstand a breakdown or cyberattack and return to its initial operating state after the incident. [2]

Resilience En informatique, capacité d’un système d’information à résister à une panne ou à une cyberattaque et à revenir à son état initialaprès l’incident. [3]

New Zealand

Cyber Resilience involves detection, protection and recovery from cyber incidents. [4]


Cyber resilience is the ability to prepare for, adapt to, withstand, and rapidly recover from disruptions resulting from deliberate attacks, accidents, or naturally occurring threats or incidents. [5]

المرونة وهي القدرة ع ى الاستعداد والتكيف مع الظروف المتغ يرة والصمود والتعا في ´ بسرعة من الاضطرابات ال ت ي تنتج عن الهجمات أو الحوادث المتعمدة أو تلك ال ت ي قد تحدث أ لسباب طبيعية. [6]


Rezilienţa infrastructurilor cibernetice: capacitatea componentelor infrastructurilor cibernetice de a rezista unui incident sau atac cibernetic şi de a reveni la starea de normalitate.

Cyber infrastructure resilience the capacity of infrastructure components to withstand cyber attack or cyber incident and return to normality. [7]

United Kingdom (UK)

Cyber resilience – the overall ability of systems and organisations to withstand cyber events and, where harm is caused, recover from them. [8]

Other Definitions


Cyber resilience is being able to prepare for, withstand, rapidly recover and learn from deliberate attacks or accidental events in the online world. [9]

To do this, people need to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of the risk, in whatever setting they find themselves in, and then take the necessary steps to prepare for and respond to such events.

Victoria, Australia

Cyber resilience is the organisation’s capability to withstand negative impacts due to known, predictable, unknown, unpredictable, uncertain and unexpected threats from activities in cyberspace (ISF 2011). [10]

Other International Definitions


Cyber resilience refers to the ability to continuously deliver the intended outcome despite adverse cyber events. [11]

World Economic Forum

The ability of systems and organizations to withstand cyber events, measured by the combination of mean time to failure and mean time to recovery. [12]

Academic Definitions

Fredrik Björg et al. recently have published a paper on Cyber Resilience - fundamentals for a definition.

See also
