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==== [[Turkey]] ====
==== [[Turkey]] ====
{{definition|Gizlilik: Bilginin yetkisiz kişiler, varlıklar ya da süreçlere kullanılabilir yapılmama ya da açıklanmama özelliğini. <ref>[http://www.udhb.gov.tr/doc/siberg/2016-2019guvenlik.pdf 2016-2019 UlUSAL SİBER GÜVENLİk STRATEJİSİ (Sept. 2016)]</ref><br/><br/>Confidentiality: The characteristic of preventing the use or disclosure of information to unauthorized persons, entities or processes. <ref>[http://www.udhb.gov.tr/doc/siberg/UlusalSibereng.pdf Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2019 (2016)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Information systems and data can be accessed by authorized persons or systems only, and the confidential information pertaining to information systems or confidential information in the system will not be disclosed by unauthorized persons or systems. <ref> [http://www.enisa.europa.eu/activities/Resilience-and-CIIP/national-cyber-security-strategies-ncsss/TUR_NCSS.pdf Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan]</ref><br /><br />Gizlilik: Bilişim sistem ve verilerine sadece yetkili kişi veya sistemlerce erişilebilmesini; bilişim sistemlerine ait veya sistemdeki gizli verinin yetkisiz kişi veya sistemlerce ifşa edilmemesini. <ref>[http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2013/06/20130620-1-1.pdf UlUSAL SİBER GÜVENLİk STRATEJİSİ VE]</ref>}}<br />
{{definition|Information systems and data can be accessed by authorized persons or systems only, and the confidential information pertaining to information systems or confidential information in the system will not be disclosed by unauthorized persons or systems. <ref> [http://www.enisa.europa.eu/activities/Resilience-and-CIIP/national-cyber-security-strategies-ncsss/TUR_NCSS.pdf Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan]</ref><br /><br />Gizlilik: Bilişim sistem ve verilerine sadece yetkili kişi veya sistemlerce erişilebilmesini; bilişim sistemlerine ait veya sistemdeki gizli verinin yetkisiz kişi veya sistemlerce ifşa edilmemesini. <ref>[http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2013/06/20130620-1-1.pdf UlUSAL SİBER GÜVENLİk STRATEJİSİ VE]</ref>}}<br />

Revision as of 16:53, 11 May 2017


International definitions


Confidentiality is the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. [1]


Confidentiality is the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. [2]

Confidentialité: Propriété d'une information qui n'est ni disponible, ni divulguée aux personnes, entités ou processus non autorisés. [3]

Confidencialidad: Propiedad que garantiza que la información no se pone a disposición ni se divulga a personas, entidades o procesos no utorizados. [4]

机密性: 防止信息提供或泄露给未经授权的个人、实体或过程的特性. [5]

National Definitions


Confidencialidad: se garantiza que la información sea accesible sólo a aquellas personas autorizadas a tener acceso a la misma. [6]


Confidencialidade: propriedade de que a informação não esteja disponível ou revelada a pessoa física, sistema, órgão ou entidade não autorizado e credenciado. [7]
Confidentiality is the property that information is not available or disclosed to an unauthorized and non-accredited individual, system, agency or entity.


Confidentialité: Propriété cruciale associée aux données sensibles (mot de passe, …) et à certaines applications (EDI, messageries électroniques, …). [8]

Elle est généralement assurée par les techniques de cryptage.

Cameroon (Cameroun)

Confidentialité: maintien du secret des informations et des transactions afin de prévenir la divulgation non autorisée d’informations aux non destinataires permettant la lecture, l’écoute, la copie illicite d’origine intentionnelle ou accidentelle durant leur stockage, traitement ou transfert. [9]


Confidencialidad: Propiedad de la información que determina que esté disponible a personas autorizadas. [10]

Confidencialidad: Propiedad de la información, por la que se garantiza que está accesible únicamente a personal autorizado a acceder a dicha información. [11]

Czech Republic

Vlastnost, že informace není dostupná nebo není odhalena neautorizovaným jednotlivcům, entitám nebo procesům. [12]

Characteristic that information is not available or is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities or processes. [13]


Confidentialité: Propriété d’une information qui n’est ni disponible, ni divulguée aux personnes, entités ou processus non autorisés. [14]


Leynd: Vernd upplýsinga gegn óviðkomandi aðgangi, bæði á meðan þær eru sendar milli staða og þar sem þær eru vistaðar. [15]



The condition in which sensitive data is kept secret and disclosed only to authorized parties. [16]

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Confidentiality: Authorized persons or systems only can access information systems and data, and the confidential information pertaining to information systems or confidential information in the system will not be disclosed by unauthorized persons or systems. [17]


データの守秘性: (例えば、権限のない任意のシステム主体に対して)情報が利用されない、または権限のない個人、主体、またはプロセスに開示されない特性.

The property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. [18]


Confidentialité: propriété d’une information qui n’est ni disponible, ni divulguée aux personnes, entités ou processus non autorisés. [19]


Vertrouwelijkheid is de mate waarin toegang tot informatie beperkt is tot degenen die daartoe bevoegd zijn. [20]


Confidentialité: Objectif de sécurité permettant de s’assurer que les informations transmises ou stockés ne sont accessibles qu’aux personnes autorisées à en prendre connaissance. [21]


Assurance that specific information is not disclosed to unauthorised persons, and that only authorised persons have access. [22]
Konfidensialitet: Sikkerhet for at nærmere angitt informasjon ikke avsløres for uvedkommende, og at kun autoriserte personer får tilgang til denne. [23]


Confidentiality is the need to ensure that information is disclosed only to those who are authorized to view it. [24]


Gizlilik: Bilginin yetkisiz kişiler, varlıklar ya da süreçlere kullanılabilir yapılmama ya da açıklanmama özelliğini. [25]

Confidentiality: The characteristic of preventing the use or disclosure of information to unauthorized persons, entities or processes. [26]

Information systems and data can be accessed by authorized persons or systems only, and the confidential information pertaining to information systems or confidential information in the system will not be disclosed by unauthorized persons or systems. [27]

Gizlilik: Bilişim sistem ve verilerine sadece yetkili kişi veya sistemlerce erişilebilmesini; bilişim sistemlerine ait veya sistemdeki gizli verinin yetkisiz kişi veya sistemlerce ifşa edilmemesini. [28]

United States

Confidentiality means preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information. [29]

Preserving authorized restrictions on information access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information. [30]

Standard Definition


(Data) The property that data is not disclosed to system entities unless they have been authorized to know the data. [31]

ISO/IEC 27000:2014

Property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. [32]

See also


  1. IAEA - Nuclear Security Series Glossary Version 1.3 (November 2015)
  2. ITU Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology: An overview of issues and the deployment of existing ITU-T Recommendations for secure telecommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X-800.
  3. Sécurité dans les télécommunications et les technologies de l’information: Aperçu des problèmes et présentation des Recommandations UIT-T existantes sur la sécurité dans les télécommunications, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.800.
  4. Seguridad de las telecomunicaciones y las tecnologías de la información: Exposición general de asuntos relacionados con la seguridad de las telecomunicaciones y la aplicación de las Recomendaciones vigentes del UIT-T, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T X.800.
  5. 关于电信安全的若干议题综述 及相关ITU-T建议书应用简介, ITU-T, Geneva (2012) - ITU-T H.235.
  6. Oficina Nacional de Tecnologías de Información ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA NACIONAL Disposición 3/2013 - Apruébase la “Política de Seguridad de la Información Modelo” (2013)
  7. GUIA DE REFERÊNCIA PARA A SEGURANÇA DAS INFRAESTRUTURAS CRÍTICAS DA INFORMAÇÃO Versão 01 (Nov. 2010)/ Instrução Normativa Nº 1, de 13 de junho de 2008. Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República.
  8. CIRT-BF Glossary
  10. Glosario MINTIC – ICT Ministry of Colombia
  11. Glosario Policia Colombia
  12. Výkladový slovník kybernetické bezpečnosti (2013)
  13. Cyber Security Explanatory Glossary (2013)
  14. ANSSI Glossaire
  15. [1]
  16. India's DGQA Cyber Security Policy (2015)
  17. National Cyber Security Strategy of Afghanistan (2014)
  18. http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/rfc/RFC2828EN.html RFC2828 (Japanese translation)
  19. [From French Glossary]
  20. Zakboekje Preventie Cybercrime (2008
  22. Cyber Security Strategy for Norway (2012)
  23. Nasjonal strategi for informasjonssikkerhet (2012)
  24. Oman CERT Glossary
  25. 2016-2019 UlUSAL SİBER GÜVENLİk STRATEJİSİ (Sept. 2016)
  26. Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2019 (2016)
  27. Turkey's National Cyber Security Strategy and 2013-2014 Action Plan
  29. The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA)44 U.S.C. § 3552(b)(2).
  30. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Rev 4: Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations (April 2013) / 44 U.S.C., Sec. 3542
  31. IETF RFC449 Internet Security Glossary 2
  32. ISO/IEC 27000:2014, Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems -- Overview and vocabulary