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{{definition|Activities undertaken by emergency services to protect populations, properties, infrastructure and the environment from the consequences of natural and technological [[Disaster|disasters]] and other [[Emergency|emergencies]]. <br/><br/>Protection civile est activités mises en oeuvre par les services d'urgence dans le but de protéger les populations, les biens, les infrastructures et l'environnement contre les conséquences de catastrophes technologiques ou naturelles ou d'autres situations d'urgence. <ref>[http://nso.nato.int/nso/zPublic/ap/aap6/AAP-6.pdf NATO Glossary AAP-06(2014)</ref>}} <br/><br/>
{{definition|Activities undertaken by emergency services to protect populations, properties, infrastructure and the environment from the consequences of natural and technological [[Disaster|disasters]] and other [[Emergency|emergencies]]. <br/><br/>Protection civile est activités mises en oeuvre par les services d'urgence dans le but de protéger les populations, les biens, les infrastructures et l'environnement contre les conséquences de catastrophes technologiques ou naturelles ou d'autres situations d'urgence. <ref>[http://nso.nato.int/nso/zPublic/ap/aap6/AAP-6.pdf NATO Glossary AAP-06(2014)</ref>}} <br/><br/>
===== [[UNDHA]] =====
===== [[UNDHA]] =====
{{definition|''Civil defence'': The system of measures, usually run by a governmental agency, to protect the civilian population in wartime, to respond to disasters, and to prevent and mitigate the consequences of major
{{definition|''Civil defence'': The system of measures, usually run by a governmental agency, to protect the civilian population in wartime, to respond to disasters, and to prevent and mitigate the consequences of major emergencies in peacetime. <ref name="UNrelief">[http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/004DFD3E15B69A67C1256C4C006225C2-dha-glossary-1992.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management]</ref>}}<br/>
emergencies in peacetime. <ref name="UNrelief">[http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/004DFD3E15B69A67C1256C4C006225C2-dha-glossary-1992.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|''Defensa civil'': Sistema de medidas, usualmente ejecutadas por una agencia del gobierno, para proteger a la población civil en tiempo de guerra, responder a desastres y prevenir y mitigar las consecuencias de un desastre mayor en tiempos de paz. <ref name="UNrelief">[http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/004DFD3E15B69A67C1256C4C006225C2-dha-glossary-1992.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|Defensa civil: Sistema de medidas, usualmente ejecutadas por una agencia del gobierno, para proteger a la población civil en tiempo de guerra, responder a desastres y prevenir y mitigar las consecuencias de un desastre mayor en tiempos de paz. <ref name="UNrelief">[http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/004DFD3E15B69A67C1256C4C006225C2-dha-glossary-1992.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management]</ref>}}<br/>
{{definition|''Défense civile'': Système de mesures, généralement mises en oeuvre par une agence gouvernementale, pour protéger la population civile en temps de guerre, pour réagir aux catastrophes, et pour prévenir et limiter les conséquences de situations exceptionnelles en temps de paix.  <ref name="UNrelief">[http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/004DFD3E15B69A67C1256C4C006225C2-dha-glossary-1992.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Défense civile: Système de mesures, généralement mises en oeuvre par une agence gouvernementale, pour protéger la population civile en temps de guerre, pour réagir aux catastrophes, et pour prévenir et limiter les conséquences de situations exceptionnelles en temps de paix.  <ref name="UNrelief">[http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/004DFD3E15B69A67C1256C4C006225C2-dha-glossary-1992.pdf Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to Disaster Management]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
=== National Definitions ===
=== National Definitions ===

Revision as of 20:18, 3 February 2017

The term is related to the terms "Emergency Management" and "Crisis Management".


International Definitions


Activities undertaken by emergency services to protect populations, properties, infrastructure and the environment from the consequences of natural and technological disasters and other emergencies.

Protection civile est activités mises en oeuvre par les services d'urgence dans le but de protéger les populations, les biens, les infrastructures et l'environnement contre les conséquences de catastrophes technologiques ou naturelles ou d'autres situations d'urgence. [1]

Civil defence: The system of measures, usually run by a governmental agency, to protect the civilian population in wartime, to respond to disasters, and to prevent and mitigate the consequences of major emergencies in peacetime. [2]

Defensa civil: Sistema de medidas, usualmente ejecutadas por una agencia del gobierno, para proteger a la población civil en tiempo de guerra, responder a desastres y prevenir y mitigar las consecuencias de un desastre mayor en tiempos de paz. [2]

Défense civile: Système de mesures, généralement mises en oeuvre par une agence gouvernementale, pour protéger la population civile en temps de guerre, pour réagir aux catastrophes, et pour prévenir et limiter les conséquences de situations exceptionnelles en temps de paix. [2]

National Definitions


Defesa Civil: Conjunto de ações preventivas, de socorro, assistenciais e reconstrutivas destinadas a evitar ou minimizar os desastres, preservar o moral da população e restabelecer a normalidade social. [3]

Civil Defense: Set of preventive, relief, assistance and reconstructive actions aimed at avoiding or minimizing disasters, preserving the morale of the population and restoring social normality.


Any civilian measure taken to protect the population and its livelihood from the impact of wars, armed conflicts, disasters and other major emergencies as well as any measure taken to prevent, mitigate the impact of and cope with these events. [4]

Zivilschutz ist die Aufgabe des Bundes, durch nichtmilitärische Maßnahmen die Bevölkerung, ihre Wohnungen und Arbeitsstätten, lebens- oder verteidigungswichtige zivile Dienststellen, Betriebe, Einrichtungen und Anlagen sowie das Kulturgut vor Kriegseinwirkungen zu schützen und deren Folgen zu beseitigen oder zu mildern. [5]

Behördliche Maßnahmen ergänzen die Selbsthilfe der Bevölkerung. Zum Zivilschutz gehören insbesondere der Selbstschutz, die Warnung der Bevölkerung, der Schutzbau, die Aufenthaltsregelung, der Katastrophenschutz nach Maßgabe des § 11 ZSKG, Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gesundheit, Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Kulturgut (vgl. § 1 ZSKG).

Bevölkerungsschutz ist die Summe der zivilen Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung und ihrer Lebensgrundlagen vor den Auswirkungen von Kriegen, bewaffneten Konflikten, Katastrophen und anderen schweren Notlagen sowie solcher zur Begrenzung und Bewältigung der genannten Ereignisse. [6]

Bevölkerungsschutz umfasst Zivilschutz, Katastrophenschutz und Katastrophenhilfe. Die Maßnahmen erfolgen entsprechend der jeweiligen verfassungsmäßigen Zuständigkeiten im Rahmen des Katastrophenschutzes (Länder), des Zivilschutzes (Bund) und der Katastrophenhilfe(Bund).


Seguridad ciudadana ["Security of citizens"]: Es la acción que desarrolla el Estado con la colaboración de la ciudadanía, destinada a la prevención de la violencia y delincuencia, así como a la utilización pacífica de espacios públicos, que permite y asegura el libre ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales de las personas. [7]


Protezione civile: Attività posta in essere dallo Stato per il soccorso, l'assistenza ed il coordinamento degli interventi in caso di calamità naturali o gravi catastrofi. Sono attività di protezione civile quelle volte alla previsione e prevenzione delle varie ipotesi di rischio, al soccorso delle popolazioni sinistrate ed ogni altra attività necessaria e indifferibile diretta a superare l'emergenza connessa agli eventi occorsition of the civilian population and property. [8]

Civil protection: organisation and measures, under governmental or other authority, aimed at preventing, abating or otherwise countering the effects of emergencies for the protection of the civilian population and property.

Protezione civile: Coordinamento di tutte le misure organizzative e di tutte le azioni, nei loro aspetti conoscitivi, normativi e gestionali, […] dirette a garantire, in un quadro di sicurezza dei sistemi sociali regionali, l’incolumità delle persone e/o dei beni e dell’ambiente rispetto all’insorgere di qualsivoglia situazione od evento che comporti agli stessi grave danno o pericolo di grave danno, e che per loro natura ed estensione debbano essere fronteggiate con misure straordinarie, nonché a garantire il tempestivo soccorso. [9]


Protecţie civilă: Componentă a sistemului securităţii naţionale, reprezintă un ansamblu integrat de activităţi specifice, măsuri şi sarcini organizatorice şi tehnice, realizate în scopul prevenirii şi reducerii riscurilor de producere a dezastrelor, protejării populaţiei, bunurilor şi mediului împotriva efectelor negative ale situaţiilor de urgenţă, conflictelor armate şi înlăturării operative a urmărilor acestora, precum şi asigurării condiţiilor necesare supravieţuirii persoanelor afectate. [10]


Civilná ochrana: Súhrn systémových opatrení, činností, postupov a prostriedkov uplatňovaných kompetentnými orgánmi, organizáciami, zložkami a obyvateľstvom, ktorých cieľom je prevencia, ochrana a minimalizovanie negatívnych vplyvov možných krízových situácií na zdravie a životy ľudí, na zvieratá, majetok a životné podmienky. [11]

Táto definícia vychádza z vymedzenia termínu „ochrana“.

United Kingdom

Organisation and measures, under governmental or other authority, aimed at preventing, abating or otherwise countering the effects of emergencies for the protection of the civilian population and property. [12]

Organisation and measures, under governmental or other authority, aimed at preventing, abating or otherwise countering the effects of emergencies for the protection of the civilian population and property. [13]

Standard Definition

ISO 22300:2012(en)

Measures taken and systems implemented to preserve the lives and health of citizens, their properties and their environment from undesired events.[14]

See also
