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=== European Definitions ===
=== European Definitions ===
====[[EU]] COM (2013)343 ====
{{definition|''(Nuclear)'' 'Accident' means any unplanned event, including operating errors, equipment failures and other mishaps, the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or nuclear safety. <ref>[http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/1/2013/EN/1-2013-343-EN-F1-1.Pdf COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2009/71/EURATOM establishing a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations COM (2013)343]</ref>}}
==== [[EU]] Directive 2004/49/EC ====
==== [[EU]] Directive 2004/49/EC ====
{{definition|''(For the Railway (Transport) Sector)'' An unwanted or unintended sudden [[event]] or a specific chain of such events which have harmful [[consequence]]s; accidents are divided into the following categories: collisions, derailments, level-crossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and other. <ref> Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC </ref>}}
{{definition|''(For the Railway (Transport) Sector)'' An unwanted or unintended sudden [[event]] or a specific chain of such events which have harmful [[consequence]]s; accidents are divided into the following categories: collisions, derailments, level-crossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and other. <ref> Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC </ref>}}
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=== Other International Definitions ===
=== Other International Definitions ===
{{definition|An unintended event or series of events that results in harm. <ref>Engineering Safety Management, issue 4, “Yellow Book 4”, ISBN 978-0-9551435-2-6</ref>}}
{{definition|Accident is an unintended event or series of events that results in harm. <ref>Engineering Safety Management, issue 4, “Yellow Book 4”, ISBN 978-0-9551435-2-6</ref>}}
==== [[IAEA]] ====
{{definition|Accident is any unintended [[event]], including operating errors, equipment failures and other mishaps, the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or safety. <ref>[http://www-pub.iaea.org/mtcd/publications/pdf/pub1495_web.pdf IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.12]</ref>}}<br/>
=== National Definitions ===
=== National Definitions ===
==== [[Argentina]] ====
{{definition|Accidente: evento adverso, no premeditado y no previsible, que se presenta en forma súbita, altera el curso regular de los acontecimientos, causa daños humanos y/o materiales. <ref>[http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/salud/ceh/archivos/glosario_comites_emergencias.pdf%3Fmenu_id%3D29870 Glosario Comites Emergencia Argentina]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|[Nuclear] "ongeval": een ongeplande gebeurtenis, inclusief bedrijfsvoeringsfouten, gebrekkige werking van uitrusting en andere incidenten, waarvan de gevolgen of potentiële gevolgen niet verwaarloosbaar zijn uit het oogpunt van bescherming of nucleaire veiligheid. <ref>[http://docs.vlaamsparlement.be/eudocs/2016/COM_2013_343_NL.pdf EU RICHTLIJN VAN DE RAAD houdende wijziging van Richtlijn 2009/71/EURATOM tot vaststelling van een communautair kader voor de nucleaire veiligheid van kerninstallaties COM 2013/343]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Australia]] ====
==== [[Australia]] ====
{{definition|A sudden [[event]] in which harm is caused to people, property or the built or natural environment. <ref name="MAIMAus">[https://www.em.gov.au/Documents/Manual03-AEMGlossary.PDF Australian Emergency Management Glossary, Emergency Management Australia (1998)]</ref>}}<br />
{{definition|A sudden [[event]] in which harm is caused to people, property or the built or natural environment. <ref name="MAIMAus">[https://www.em.gov.au/Documents/Manual03-AEMGlossary.PDF Australian Emergency Management Glossary, Emergency Management Australia (1998)]</ref>}}<br />
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{{definition|An unintended, unplanned and unexpected [[event]] that interrupts an activity and sometimes causes injury or [[damage]].<br /><br/>Événement involontaire, non planifié et imprévu qui interrompt une activité et qui entraîne parfois des blessures ou des dommages. <ref name="canada">[http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/tpsgc-pwgsc/S52-2-281-2012.pdf Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)]</ref>}}
{{definition|An unintended, unplanned and unexpected [[event]] that interrupts an activity and sometimes causes injury or [[damage]].<br /><br/>Événement involontaire, non planifié et imprévu qui interrompt une activité et qui entraîne parfois des blessures ou des dommages. <ref name="canadaen">[http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/tpsgc-pwgsc/S52-2-281-2012.pdf Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)]</ref>}}
<br />
<br />
{{definition|Accident: out événement imprévu et soudain qui cause, ou est susceptible de causer, des lésions à des personnes ou des dommages à des bâtiments, à des installations, à des matériaux ou à l’environnement. (OCDE, 1992) <ref name="canadafr">[http://www.mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca/evaluations/documents/guide-risque-techno.pdf Guide Analyse de risques d'accidents technologiques majeurs (2002)]</ref>}}<br />
==== [[Denmark]] ====
==== [[Denmark]] ====
{{definition|Hændelser er ulykker (såsom brand, sammenstyrtning og udslip), der kan ske i relation til risikoobjekter og som kan føre til skader på personer, ejendom eller miljø. <ref>[HÅNDBOG I RISIKOBASERET DIMENSIONERING, Beredskabsstyrelsen, Denmark (2004)]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
{{definition|Hændelser er ulykker (såsom brand, sammenstyrtning og udslip), der kan ske i relation til risikoobjekter og som kan føre til skader på personer, ejendom eller miljø. <ref>[https://brs.dk/viden/publikationer/Documents/RBDhaandbog.pdf HÅNDBOG I RISIKOBASERET DIMENSIONERING, Beredskabsstyrelsen, Denmark (2004)]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
==== [[Finland]] ====
==== [[Finland]] ====
{{definition|Onnettomuus: äkillinen, odottamaton ja tahaton tapahtuma, jolla on vahingolliset seuraukset.<br/><br/>Accident is a sudden, unexpected and unintentional [[event]] with harmful consequences. -''unofficial translation''- <ref>[http://www.spek.fi/loader.aspx?id=1c66e01d-a75e-4a9a-80ec-9816340ce752 Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Onnettomuus: äkillinen, odottamaton ja tahaton tapahtuma, jolla on vahingolliset seuraukset.<br/><br/>Accident is a sudden, unexpected and unintentional [[event]] with harmful consequences. -''unofficial translation''- <ref>[http://www.spek.fi/loader.aspx?id=1c66e01d-a75e-4a9a-80ec-9816340ce752 Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Mexico]] ====  
==== [[Mexico]] ====  
{{definition|Accidente: Suceso fortuito e incontrolado, capaz de producir daños.  <ref>[http://tramites.semarnat.gob.mx/Doctos/DGIRA/Guia/MIAParticularRiesgo/GuiasEstudioRiesgo/g_vias_generales.pdf GUÍA PARA LA PRESENTACIÓN DEL ESTUDIO DE RIESGO MODALIDAD ANALISIS DE RIESGO, Mexico] </ref>}}<br /><br />
{{definition|Accidente: Suceso fortuito e incontrolado, capaz de producir daños.  <ref>[http://tramites.semarnat.gob.mx/Doctos/DGIRA/Guia/MIAParticularRiesgo/GuiasEstudioRiesgo/g_vias_generales.pdf GUÍA PARA LA PRESENTACIÓN DEL ESTUDIO DE RIESGO MODALIDAD ANALISIS DE RIESGO, Mexico] </ref>}}<br /><br />
==== [[Netherlands]] ====
{{definition|[HEALTH sector] Ongeval is een ongewenste [[Event|gebeurtenis]] of reeks van ongewenste gebeurtenissen, welke leidt tot verwonding, beroepsziekte of schade aan, dan wel verlies van apparatuur of eigendom. <ref>[https://www.medischcontact.nl/web/file?uuid=56770c4f-4440-4b02-b568-177eb7b1ab9f&owner=1e836119-cfd1-4e33-a731-da3efbb2a701&contentid=23865 Patiëntveiligheid Definitielijst (2005)]</ref>}}<br/><br />
==== [[Romania]] ====
==== [[Romania]] ====
{{definition|Accident: Eveniment subit, întâmplare neprevăzută, de regulă violent(ă), venit(ă) pe neaşteptate, curmând o situaţie normală, având drept cauză activitatea umană, dar produs(ă) independent de voinţa victimei; se caracterizează prin aceea că, de regulă, constituie cauza unei/unor vătămări corporale. <ref>[http://www.editura.mai.gov.ro/documente/biblioteca/2006/Glosar%20de%20termeni%20din%20domeniul%20ordinii%20publice/GLOSAR%20OP.pdf GLOSAR de termeni din domeniul ordinii şi siguranţei publice, MINISTERUL ADMINISTRAŢIEI ŞI INTERNELOR DIRECŢIA GENERALĂ ORGANIZARE, PLANIFICARE MISIUNI ŞI RESURSE]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Accident: Eveniment subit, întâmplare neprevăzută, de regulă violent(ă), venit(ă) pe neaşteptate, curmând o situaţie normală, având drept cauză activitatea umană, dar produs(ă) independent de voinţa victimei; se caracterizează prin aceea că, de regulă, constituie cauza unei/unor vătămări corporale. <ref>[http://www.editura.mai.gov.ro/documente/biblioteca/2006/Glosar%20de%20termeni%20din%20domeniul%20ordinii%20publice/GLOSAR%20OP.pdf GLOSAR de termeni din domeniul ordinii şi siguranţei publice, MINISTERUL ADMINISTRAŢIEI ŞI INTERNELOR DIRECŢIA GENERALĂ ORGANIZARE, PLANIFICARE MISIUNI ŞI RESURSE]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
==== [[Tanzania]] ====
{{definition|Accident: A man-made transport type of disaster comprising of air, marine, road, and rail crash which suddenly destroys life, property and quite often the environment. <ref>[http://www.pmo.go.tz/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_docman%26task%3Ddoc_download%26gid%3D62%26Itemid%3D91 United Republic of Tanzania National Operational Guidelines for Disaster Management 2003]</ref>}}<br/><br/>
{{definition|Accidente: Cadena de eventos y circunstancias que llevan a la ocurrencia de una lesión o un daño no intelectual (excluye lesiones y daños intencionales y aquellos eventos que no originan lesiones ni daños)  <ref>[http://www.intt.gob.ve/repositorio/biblioteca/educacion_y_seguridad_vial/glosario%20de%20terminos%202013.pdf  GLOSARIO DE TÉRMINOS  EDUCACIÓN Y SEGURIDAD VÍAL]</ref>}}<br /><br/>
===Standard Definition===
===Standard Definition===
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[[Category: Transport]][[Category:Event]]
[[Category: Transport]][[Category:Event]]
{{#set:defined by=EU|defined by=CENELEC|defined by=Australia|defined by=Brazil|defined by=Bulgaria|defined by=Canada|defined by=Denmark|defined by=Finland|defined by=Mexico|defined by= Romania}}
{{#set:defined by=EU|defined by=CENELEC|defined by=IAEA|defined by=Argentina|defined by=Australia|defined by=Belgium|defined by=Brazil|defined by=Bulgaria|defined by=Canada|defined by=Denmark|defined by=Finland|defined by=Netherlands|defined by=Mexico|defined by=Romania|defined by=Tanzania|defined by=Venezuela}}
{{#set: Showmainpage=Yes}}

Latest revision as of 17:13, 19 December 2020


European Definitions

EU COM (2013)343

(Nuclear) 'Accident' means any unplanned event, including operating errors, equipment failures and other mishaps, the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or nuclear safety. [1]

EU Directive 2004/49/EC

(For the Railway (Transport) Sector) An unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences; accidents are divided into the following categories: collisions, derailments, level-crossing accidents, accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, fires and other. [2]


(For the Railway (Transport) Sector) An unintended event or series of events that results in death, injury, loss of a system or service, or environmental damage [3].

Other International Definitions

Accident is an unintended event or series of events that results in harm. [4]


Accident is any unintended event, including operating errors, equipment failures and other mishaps, the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or safety. [5]

National Definitions


Accidente: evento adverso, no premeditado y no previsible, que se presenta en forma súbita, altera el curso regular de los acontecimientos, causa daños humanos y/o materiales. [6]


[Nuclear] "ongeval": een ongeplande gebeurtenis, inclusief bedrijfsvoeringsfouten, gebrekkige werking van uitrusting en andere incidenten, waarvan de gevolgen of potentiële gevolgen niet verwaarloosbaar zijn uit het oogpunt van bescherming of nucleaire veiligheid. [7]


A sudden event in which harm is caused to people, property or the built or natural environment. [8]


Acidente: Evento definido ou seqüência de eventos fortuitos e não planejados, que dão origem a uma conseqüência específica e indesejada, em termos de danos humanos, materiais ou ambientais. [9]


"Accident" shall denote a large-scale incident, affecting roads, highways and air traffic, destruction of hydro-technical installations, incidents, caused by activities at sea, nuclear incidents and other environmental and industrial accidents, caused by human activity or acts. [10]

Авария: е инцидент от голям мащаб, включващ пътища, магистрали и въздушен трафик, пожар, разрушаване на хидротехнически съоръжения, инциденти, причинени от дейности в морето, ядрени инциденти и други екологични и промишлени аварии, причинени от дейности или действия на човека. [11]


An unintended, unplanned and unexpected event that interrupts an activity and sometimes causes injury or damage.

Événement involontaire, non planifié et imprévu qui interrompt une activité et qui entraîne parfois des blessures ou des dommages. [12]

Accident: out événement imprévu et soudain qui cause, ou est susceptible de causer, des lésions à des personnes ou des dommages à des bâtiments, à des installations, à des matériaux ou à l’environnement. (OCDE, 1992) [13]


Hændelser er ulykker (såsom brand, sammenstyrtning og udslip), der kan ske i relation til risikoobjekter og som kan føre til skader på personer, ejendom eller miljø. [14]


Onnettomuus: äkillinen, odottamaton ja tahaton tapahtuma, jolla on vahingolliset seuraukset.

Accident is a sudden, unexpected and unintentional event with harmful consequences. -unofficial translation- [15]


Accidente: Suceso fortuito e incontrolado, capaz de producir daños. [16]


[HEALTH sector] Ongeval is een ongewenste gebeurtenis of reeks van ongewenste gebeurtenissen, welke leidt tot verwonding, beroepsziekte of schade aan, dan wel verlies van apparatuur of eigendom. [17]


Accident: Eveniment subit, întâmplare neprevăzută, de regulă violent(ă), venit(ă) pe neaşteptate, curmând o situaţie normală, având drept cauză activitatea umană, dar produs(ă) independent de voinţa victimei; se caracterizează prin aceea că, de regulă, constituie cauza unei/unor vătămări corporale. [18]


Accident: A man-made transport type of disaster comprising of air, marine, road, and rail crash which suddenly destroys life, property and quite often the environment. [19]


Accidente: Cadena de eventos y circunstancias que llevan a la ocurrencia de una lesión o un daño no intelectual (excluye lesiones y daños intencionales y aquellos eventos que no originan lesiones ni daños) [20]

Standard Definition


An accident is an unplanned and undesired loss event. [21]

See also


  1. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2009/71/EURATOM establishing a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations COM (2013)343
  2. Directive 2004/49/EC Railway Safety Directive amending 2001/14/EC & 95/18/EC
  3. EN 50129 - Railway applications-Communications, signalling and processing systems- Safety related electronic systems for signalling
  4. Engineering Safety Management, issue 4, “Yellow Book 4”, ISBN 978-0-9551435-2-6
  5. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.12
  6. Glosario Comites Emergencia Argentina
  7. EU RICHTLIJN VAN DE RAAD houdende wijziging van Richtlijn 2009/71/EURATOM tot vaststelling van een communautair kader voor de nucleaire veiligheid van kerninstallaties COM 2013/343
  8. Australian Emergency Management Glossary, Emergency Management Australia (1998)
  10. Disaster Protection Act; Promulgated, State Gazette, No.102/19.12.2006 (2006)
  11. ЗАКОН за защита при бедствия
  12. Vocabulaire de la gestion des urgencies/Emergency Management Emergency Management Vocabulary 281 (2012)
  13. Guide Analyse de risques d'accidents technologiques majeurs (2002)
  14. HÅNDBOG I RISIKOBASERET DIMENSIONERING, Beredskabsstyrelsen, Denmark (2004)
  15. Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security. Helsinki (TSK 47) (2014)
  17. Patiëntveiligheid Definitielijst (2005)
  19. United Republic of Tanzania National Operational Guidelines for Disaster Management 2003
  21. ISA WG7 definition